Man, I hate it when my worst predictions start coming true.
On the other hand, correctly predicting that the so-called Russian-Ukrainian “peace process” would go off the rails in favor of Vladimir Putin means being prepared. I can’t cancel out the grief, but grieving does not prevent me from doing what I have to do (I recommend this).
What has been interesting for me are accusations of dual loyalty against Ukrainian-Americans by our esteemed current vice president, JD Vance, made just a few days before the disastrous meeting between him, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and Donald Trump:
I’ve seen similar accusations of dual loyalty lobbed against Israeli-Americans for many years now, though the ideological dimensions are different and have more sinister roots - classical antisemitism is based on the principle that Jews are inherently “untrustworthy.” (We also see this in antisemitic abuse of Zelensky; as Ukraine’s Jewish leader he is frequently painted as a shifty “thief,” etc).
I was welcomed in this country as a small child, and I love it beyond all measure, and I know this:
What is in the best interest of the United States is diametrically opposed to Russian interests.
“Why should I hate Russia?” is a common refrain from many Americans. The simple answer is, “Because Russians hate you.”
The more complicated answer is that most Americans don’t spend much time thinking about Russians, and simply cannot comprehend the seething resentment mainstream Russian ideology has for the United States.
This is what Zelensky was trying to articulate in the disastrous Oval Office meeting when he mentioned that Americans are an ocean away and don’t see the problem, though a problem is brewing.
Russia’s endgame is the collapse of the United States and vengeance for historic grievances. Making us turn on each other is part of the plan, as is corruption of our trade networks, diminishing of our international power, a steep decline in our economy, etc.
The writing has been on the wall for some time, and Ukraine was meant to be the flashpoint for setting this arc into motion.
I don’t hate our vice president. I know he overcame great hardship in his life. At the same time, I view JD Vance as a man who has many ideological commonalities with leaders such as Hungarian nationalist leader Viktor Orban, which he has expressed passionately, for many years now.
Orban, in turn, is a highly convenient political stooge for Vladimir Putin, because Putin’s plans for both Europe and North America are predicated on nations turning inward, becoming more atomized, and thus easier to subvert and harm.
I don’t believe that JD Vance actually wants Putin to harm the United States; I think he carries resentment toward what he perceives to be as the American ruling class, however (completely understandable on a human level!), and wants a reshaping of the United States into an isolationist, nationalist project in which said ruling class will be cowed and diminished, which plays into Russia’s hands whether Vance wants it to or not.
In this scenario, it’s natural for the vice president to paint Ukrainian-Americans as shifty dual loyalists who seek to harm our adopted nation; Ukrainians are an inconvenient example of how isolationism and atomization results in destruction and death for anyone who believes in Western democratic values as a whole, and thus must be silenced, painted as traitors, thieves, Nazis, degenerates, or whatever.
Ukrainians are the canary in the Western coal mine, and their annoying chirping needs to go away.
On a personal and very visceral level, I love the United States like a loyal dog. Seeing the American flag turned upside dow as a sign of distress these days fills me with a childlike fear and pain. It’s a fear I must overcome if I am to stay useful to my fellow Americans.
I wish the world was a different place. I wish that Russia had put on its big boy pants, gotten over the horrors of the 20th century, and become a different and saner nation. I wish we didn’t have to worry about a Russia-China axis. I wish for a lot of things, but the world doesn’t care about my wishes.
Many years ago, an Arab colleague of mine told me, “When Russia and China take over, all of the people who hate your country will scream, ‘Come back, America! All is forgiven!’”
He was right, of course. The people who are hurtling us toward this disaster don’t understand, but he did. I believe it can still be averted, because I believe in us. Other people will call me an idiot for saying this, but my love is greater than my fear; I am happy to go down with this ship if necessary.
Meanwhile, Vance fans and Russian trolls are busy sending me love letters:
Come say howdy to my 9mm. Unlike Russian serfs, we’re allowed to own guns. In fact, gun ownership is a great example of our differences with Russians; the Russian state has a monopoly on violence, and throws people who defend themselves in jail. Read up on this if you don’t believe me, conservative friends.
As a native of Ukraine, I feel this difference starkly. Ukrainians are a freedom-loving people, even if it gets them killed. This is a tragedy, but all life ends, some lives just happen to end heroically.
I am not a hero and never will be, I’m a little woman who likes to putter around in the kitchen, but I can admire those who are braver than I am.
Today, it’s sunny on the Front Range. My “shifty Ukrainian-American ass” is busy preparing for spring. There is cleaning to be done, supplies to be bought (ugh, my poor wallet), and plans to be made. Last night, I came home late, and watched Orion stabbing his sword down at the Rockies as my Lyft wound its way back from downtown, in this young part of our nation, where my love for America has only grown stronger.
Thousands of miles away, my Ukrainian and American friends and loved ones continue to risk their lives in defense against a psychopathic enemy and his army of serfs. I will continue doing all I can to help them, because it is in the interest of MY nation to do so. It’s in the interest of every non-serf.
I thank you for reading, always.
Your words are quite eloquent. Vladimir Putin’s Russia is an existential threat to Ukraine and the remainder of Eastern Europe at the very least. I wish there would be a realization of this threat by Trump.
However, I don’t think he truly cares about the fate of Ukraine. He’s a viscous ignoramus with no real intention of understanding European security. At heart Trump is an isolationist peddler of appeasement and a predator-in-waiting.
Most Americans are unaware that the
nation of Ukraine underwent a genocide during the consolidation of the USSR and then had to endure great hardship in WW2. Your people are brave and enduring and will resist Putin with the very fiber of their being.